Direct Mail Design
Direct mail design requires specialized expertise in printing, mail preparation and variable data to ensure that mailpieces are automation compatible and eligible for postage discounts.
Mary Queen of Peace Mailer
Three parishes merged to create Mary Queen of Peace Parish. It serves the South side of Billings, Montana, Hispanics and Native Americans. The direct mail graphic design illustrates the Mission Church history and promotes the campaign to fund the new church.
MSU Billings Foundation Direct Mail Postcard
The direct mail postcard reaches out to donors regarding the tax benefits of making a donation benefiting MSU Billings students. MSUB Foundation branding is applied to the mailing design.
MSU Billings Foundation Direct Mail Campaign Postcard
A direct mail postcard to donors regarding the tax credits available with a donation benefiting MSU Billings students. MSUB Foundation branding is applied to the postcard design.
MSU Billings Foundation Donor Letter
A direct mail letter to donors regarding tax credits for endowed philanthropy and the impact it makes on a MSU Billings student’s life. MSUB Foundation branding is applied to the letter design.
Healthy By Design Gardeners Market Direct Mail Postcard
The annual direct mail postcard mails to local households as locally grown produce comes into season. The postcard features the annual campaign graphics and latest market information.
Rehder Balance and Hearing Clinic 2020 Mailer – Billings, Montana
The direct mail postcard project included design, custom illustrations, printing, mail list processing and mail preparation compliant with postal automation standards for discounted rates.
Rehder Balance and Hearing Clinic Patient COVID Health Advisory Postcard
The direct mail postcard project included design, printing, mailing list processing and mail preparation compliant with postal automation standards for discounted bulk mail rates.
Rehder Balance and Hearing Clinic – Complimentary Hearing Evaluation Postcard
The clinic offers complimentary hearing screening events and risk free trials of new hearing aid technology. The project included targeted mailing, postcard design, printing and bulk mailing.
St Vincent Foundation | SCL Health Dr. Johnson Mailing
The mailing supports the Dr. Thomas R. Johnson Scholarship Fund, which awards medical school students and encourages physicians to practice in Montana. SCL Health brand guidelines are applied to the direct mail piece.
St Vincent Healthcare Assuring a Legacy Direct Mail
The donor direct mailer explores the financial benefits of a charitable gift annuity. The mailing applies brand guidelines and uses a window envelope and precanceled non-profit stamp to increase the open rate.
St Vincent Healthcare Foundation Cancer Care Direct Mail
The direct mailer promotes donor support of Meadowlark House, a cancer patient housing program. The mailing applies brand guidelines and uses a window envelope and precanceled non-profit stamp to increase the open rate.
St. Vincent Healthcare Foundation Bequest Donor Mailing
The direct mail letter reaches out to donors to consider leaving a legacy. The How to Make a Lasting Gift flyer provides information on charitable bequests. SCL branding is applied to the mailing design.
St. Vincent Healthcare Foundation Donor Mailing – Cancer Care
The donor direct mail was designed to print in St. Vincent blue and green. The letter shell imprinted with donor variable data and letter. A cost efficient, colorful and memorable direct mail piece.
Pie Guys Pizzeria Menu Direct Mail
Targeted mailing to the pizzeria’s delivery area. The menu design meets postal automation standards for reduced postage. Design reflects the pizzeria’s branding colors, fonts and graphics.
St. Vincent Physician Network Mountain View Clinic Postcard
Postcard direct mail campaign targeting Carbon County residents in the Mountain View Clinic service area. Postcard design and exterior photography by Liz McCall Design.
St. Vincent Physician Network Mountain View Clinic Postcard Design
Postcard direct mail campaign targeted to Red Lodge area residents served by the Mountain View Clinic. Postcard design and exterior photography by Liz McCall Design.
St. Vincent Physician Network Mountain View Clinic - Red Lodge, Montana
This direct mail campaign introduced Carbon County residents to the Mountain View Clinic, part of the St. Vincent Physician Network. Postcard design and exterior photography by Liz McCall Design.
Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services - Helena, Montana
The Montana DPHHS direct mail campaign benefited the Montana Children’s Health Insurance Plan. The eight-page mailer printed in two Pantone inks with stock photo images set up as duotones.
St. Labre Indian School Direct Mail Donor Campaign Design
Graphic design of a full color direct mail campaign mailing envelope using images of St. Labre Indian School children composited with fall leaves and Thanksgiving greetings.
St. Labre Indian School Christmas Direct Mail Campaign Design
The Christmas campaign mailing envelope design composites images of St. Labre Indian School children with colorful backgrounds, the morning star graphic and Christmas greeting.
Montana Rescue Mission July Donor Appeal Design
The donor appeal printed on a two color letter shell and imprinted variable data personalized for the donor. A tear off reply card included the donor information to make the return process a snap.
Montana Rescue Mission Thanksgiving Donor Appeal Design
The Thanksgiving donor appeal graphic design involved layout of a two color letter shell incorporating Thanksgiving images, a personalized letter and tear off donor reply card.
St. Patrick's Co-Cathedral Direct Mail Campaign Design – Billings, Montana
The Parish Center Building Campaign letter was designed to print with a full color shell and imprint with a letter personalized for parish members. Direct mail design and photography by Liz McCall.